2013-12-08 The Second Sunday in Advent
The Bethlehem Candle
2013-12-01 The First Sunday in Advent
The Prophecy Candle
2013-11-24 Christ the King Sunday
Colossians 1:13-20: The Father sent His Son to be KING and bring His captures people (you) back into His kingdom.
2013-11-17 Twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity
Lighthouse Lutheran Church was blessed to hear the sermon preached by seminarian Chris Popadich from Trinity School of Ministry in Ambridge, PA on 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
2013-11-10 Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity
Colossians 1:9-14: You should not stop praying for those in your Christian family, but continuously ask God to impart His wisdom in them.
2013-11-03 All Saints' Day
1 John 3:1-3: Let the love of God kindle your hope and purify your soul in order to become the perfect child of God.
2013-10-27 Reformation Sunday
2 Thessalonians 2:3-12: Beware of evil attempting to deceive you, for there is only one true Christ, even Jesus, the Lord.
2013-10-20 The Installation of Pastor Michael Knauff at Greenford Lutheran Church, Greenford, OH
Philippians 4:1-9: Pastoral recommendations from Paul: Work to promote the unity in Christ with all Christians, so that the world may see the peace we have in God.
2013-10-20 Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity
Philippians 4:1-9: Work to promote the unity in Christ with all Christians, so that the world may see the peace we have in God.
2013-10-13 Twentieth Sunday after Trinity
Lighthouse Lutheran Church was blessed to hear the sermon preached by LCMC Pastor William Beck.
2013-10-06 Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity
Lighthouse Lutheran Church was blessed to hear the sermon preached by seminarian and pastor Rose Ekirunga from Trinity School of Ministry in Ambridge, PA on Matthew 9:1-8.
2013-09-29 St. Michael and all the Angels (transcript)
Revelation 12:7-12: Do not feat Satan, for you not only have the angels to protect you, but also wield the might weapons of Jesus Christ and His Holy Word.
2013-09-22 Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity
Ephesians 4:1-6: Live your life in peaceful harmony and unity with all the members of Christ's Church.
2013-09-15 Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity
Matthew 19:13-15: The greatest introduction you can give to a child is in their meeting of Jesus Christ
2013-09-08 Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity
Matthew 6:24-34: Overcome worrying by putting your faith and trust in Christ.
2013-09-01 Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity
Luke 17:11-19: Seek from Christ not only healing for your physical ailments in life, but primarily healing of your Spirit.
2013-08-25 Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity
Luke 10:23-37: You will be blessed when you become a neighbor to those who need mercy around you, but it is only Christ that provides you with eternal life.
2013-08-18 Twelfth Sunday after Trinity
2 Corinthians 3:4-11: Christ brought the New Covenant and makes you a minister with confidence and competence to spread His Good News.
2013-08-11 Eleventh Sunday after Trinity
Psalm 50: In order to worship God as well as live a righteous life pleasing to Him, you must start from a hart that truly loves
2013-08-04 Tenth Sunday after Trinity
Luke 19:41-48: True peace can only be found in Jesus Christ.
2013-07-28 Ninth Sunday after Trinity
Lighthouse Lutheran Church was blessed to hear the sermon preached by LCMC Pastor William Beck.
Luke 16:1-13: Who Needs God?
2013-07-21 Eight Sunday after Trinity
Lighthouse Lutheran Church was blessed to hear the sermon preached by LCMC Pastor William Beck.
Matthew 7:15-23: Putting on Heirs
2013-07-14 Seventh Sunday after Trinity
Genesis 7:7-17: God has given His Law to keep His children safe from harm and provided His Son, Jesus Christ, to give you eternal life.
2013-07-07 Sixth Sunday after Trinity
Romans 6:1-11: As followers of Jesus, you no longer follow the dead ways of the world, but are now alive to the life giving ways of Christ.
2013-06-30 Fifth Sunday after Trinity
Luke 5:1-11: The Holy Scriptures give us God's Word which is used to capture hearts and save lives.
2013-06-23 Fourth Sunday after Trinity
Lighthouse Lutheran Church was blessed to hear the sermon preached by seminarian Peg Bowman from the Trinity School for Ministry on Luke 6:36-42.
2013-06-16 Third Sunday after Trinity
Lighthouse Lutheran Church was blessed to hear the sermon preached by Elder Norman Amsler on Matthew 9:35-38.
2013-06-09 Second Sunday after Trinity
Genesis 37, 39, 41: This sermon was originally preached at the Freedom Area High School Baccalaureate service. The message was modified and preached to the congregation and graduates at Lighthouse Lutheran Church.
2013-06-02 First Sunday after Trinity
1 John 4:16-21: God loves you and lives in you, so that you too may love the unlovable.
2013-05-26 The Holy Trinity
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit worked together in order for you to believe and have everlasting life.
2013-05-19 The Day of Pentecost
John 14:23-31: The Holy Spirit was sent by the Father, in the name of Jesus, for your benefit and comfort.
2013-05-12 The Ascension of Our Lord
Acts 1:1-11: The ascension of Christ was necessary to usher in a new age of Christianity in which the Holy Spirit will testify to Christ's glory through you.
2013-05-05 Sixth Sunday after Easter
1 Timothy 2:1-6: God is pleased when His people [you] come to Him in prayer.
2013-04-28 Fifth Sunday after Easter
John 16:5-15: The Holy Spirit sheds light on unbelief, shows that Jesus Christ is God, and saves from damnation by bringing glory to Jesus.
2013-04-21 Fourth Sunday after Easter
Isaiah 40: 25-31: As you live your life, open your mind and your heart to the greatness of God, who strengthens you and keeps you all the days of your life.
2013-04-14 Third Sunday after Easter
John 10:11-16: Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, will support, safeguard, and summon you into His wondrous and Holy flock.
2013-04-07 Second Sunday after Easter
John 20:19-31 - Christ gives you faith and peace through His Holy Word
2013-03-31 The Resurrection of Our Lord
For You: A sermon series preached on the resurrection of Jesus Christ as read in the harmony of the four Gospel writers: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
2013-03-29 Good Friday
For You: A sermon series preached on the death of Jesus Christ as read in the harmony of the four Gospel writers: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
2013-03-28 Maundy Thursday
For You: A sermon series preached on the events in the upper room and arrest of Jesus as read in the harmony of the four Gospel writers: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
2013-03-24 Palm Sunday
For You: A sermon series preached on the Triumphant Entry as read in the harmony of the four Gospel writers: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
2013-03-20 Fifth Wednesday in Lent
Amos 7:1-10: Lion Alert! (Lenten Series)
2013-03-17 Fifth Sunday in Lent (Judica) (transcription)
Lighthouse Lutheran Church was blessed to hear the sermon preached by seminarian and pastor Rose Ekirunga from Trinity School of Ministry in Ambridge, PA on Genesis 22:1-14.
2013-03-13 Fourth Wednesday in Lent
Amos 7:1-6: Locusts here, Locusts there, Locusts seem to be everywhere (Lenten Series)
2013-03-10 Fourth Sunday in Lent (Laetare)
Isaiah 49:8-14: Shout for joy and rejoice, for the Messiah has come to set you free and lead you home
2013-03-06 Third Wednesday in Lent
2013-03-03 Third Sunday in Lent (Oculi)
Psalm 4: Pray for those who cause you physica or mental distress, so that the Lord might set them apart for His glory.
2013-02-27 Second Wednesday in Lent
Amos 5:18: This is the night the Lord has made (Lenten Series)
2013-02-24 Second Sunday in Lent (Reminiscere)
Matthew 15:21-28: Christ does not look at your ancestry or nationality, only at your faith in Him as Savior and Lord.
2013-02-20 First Wednesday in Lent
Amos 3:1-2: Upside down (Lenten Series)
2013-02-17 First Sunday in Lent (Invocabit)
1 Samuel 17: You must trust in the promises of God, who has sent His Christ to deliver you from your enemies
2013-02-13 Ash Wednesday
Amos 1:1-2: Rescued from the Rubble (Lenten Series)
2013-02-10 Quinquagesima
1 Corinthians 1:1-13: Only through your perfection in Christ will you truly know what love is.
2013-02-03 Sexagesima (transcription)
2 Corinthians 11:19-12:9: You must not listen to fools, but guard and listen only to those who preach Christ from the Word of God
2013-01-27 Septuagesima (transcription)
Matthew 20:1-16: Receive your generous payment from Christ with joy and do not be envious of fellow Christians
2013-01-20 Transfiguration of Our Lord (transcription)
Matthew 17:1-9: The transfiguration proved Jesus to be the Messiah so that your faith will be confirmed in Christ.
2013-01-13 Baptism of Our Lord (transcription)
Matthew 3:13-17: Your Baptism was more than mere water, it was God marking you His very own.
2013-01-06 Epiphany of Our Lord (transcription)
Matthew 2:1-12: In Christ, while knowledge is important, only true wisdom is beneficial
The Bethlehem Candle
2013-12-01 The First Sunday in Advent
The Prophecy Candle
2013-11-24 Christ the King Sunday
Colossians 1:13-20: The Father sent His Son to be KING and bring His captures people (you) back into His kingdom.
2013-11-17 Twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity
Lighthouse Lutheran Church was blessed to hear the sermon preached by seminarian Chris Popadich from Trinity School of Ministry in Ambridge, PA on 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
2013-11-10 Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity
Colossians 1:9-14: You should not stop praying for those in your Christian family, but continuously ask God to impart His wisdom in them.
2013-11-03 All Saints' Day
1 John 3:1-3: Let the love of God kindle your hope and purify your soul in order to become the perfect child of God.
2013-10-27 Reformation Sunday
2 Thessalonians 2:3-12: Beware of evil attempting to deceive you, for there is only one true Christ, even Jesus, the Lord.
2013-10-20 The Installation of Pastor Michael Knauff at Greenford Lutheran Church, Greenford, OH
Philippians 4:1-9: Pastoral recommendations from Paul: Work to promote the unity in Christ with all Christians, so that the world may see the peace we have in God.
2013-10-20 Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity
Philippians 4:1-9: Work to promote the unity in Christ with all Christians, so that the world may see the peace we have in God.
2013-10-13 Twentieth Sunday after Trinity
Lighthouse Lutheran Church was blessed to hear the sermon preached by LCMC Pastor William Beck.
2013-10-06 Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity
Lighthouse Lutheran Church was blessed to hear the sermon preached by seminarian and pastor Rose Ekirunga from Trinity School of Ministry in Ambridge, PA on Matthew 9:1-8.
2013-09-29 St. Michael and all the Angels (transcript)
Revelation 12:7-12: Do not feat Satan, for you not only have the angels to protect you, but also wield the might weapons of Jesus Christ and His Holy Word.
2013-09-22 Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity
Ephesians 4:1-6: Live your life in peaceful harmony and unity with all the members of Christ's Church.
2013-09-15 Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity
Matthew 19:13-15: The greatest introduction you can give to a child is in their meeting of Jesus Christ
2013-09-08 Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity
Matthew 6:24-34: Overcome worrying by putting your faith and trust in Christ.
2013-09-01 Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity
Luke 17:11-19: Seek from Christ not only healing for your physical ailments in life, but primarily healing of your Spirit.
2013-08-25 Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity
Luke 10:23-37: You will be blessed when you become a neighbor to those who need mercy around you, but it is only Christ that provides you with eternal life.
2013-08-18 Twelfth Sunday after Trinity
2 Corinthians 3:4-11: Christ brought the New Covenant and makes you a minister with confidence and competence to spread His Good News.
2013-08-11 Eleventh Sunday after Trinity
Psalm 50: In order to worship God as well as live a righteous life pleasing to Him, you must start from a hart that truly loves
2013-08-04 Tenth Sunday after Trinity
Luke 19:41-48: True peace can only be found in Jesus Christ.
2013-07-28 Ninth Sunday after Trinity
Lighthouse Lutheran Church was blessed to hear the sermon preached by LCMC Pastor William Beck.
Luke 16:1-13: Who Needs God?
2013-07-21 Eight Sunday after Trinity
Lighthouse Lutheran Church was blessed to hear the sermon preached by LCMC Pastor William Beck.
Matthew 7:15-23: Putting on Heirs
2013-07-14 Seventh Sunday after Trinity
Genesis 7:7-17: God has given His Law to keep His children safe from harm and provided His Son, Jesus Christ, to give you eternal life.
2013-07-07 Sixth Sunday after Trinity
Romans 6:1-11: As followers of Jesus, you no longer follow the dead ways of the world, but are now alive to the life giving ways of Christ.
2013-06-30 Fifth Sunday after Trinity
Luke 5:1-11: The Holy Scriptures give us God's Word which is used to capture hearts and save lives.
2013-06-23 Fourth Sunday after Trinity
Lighthouse Lutheran Church was blessed to hear the sermon preached by seminarian Peg Bowman from the Trinity School for Ministry on Luke 6:36-42.
2013-06-16 Third Sunday after Trinity
Lighthouse Lutheran Church was blessed to hear the sermon preached by Elder Norman Amsler on Matthew 9:35-38.
2013-06-09 Second Sunday after Trinity
Genesis 37, 39, 41: This sermon was originally preached at the Freedom Area High School Baccalaureate service. The message was modified and preached to the congregation and graduates at Lighthouse Lutheran Church.
2013-06-02 First Sunday after Trinity
1 John 4:16-21: God loves you and lives in you, so that you too may love the unlovable.
2013-05-26 The Holy Trinity
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit worked together in order for you to believe and have everlasting life.
2013-05-19 The Day of Pentecost
John 14:23-31: The Holy Spirit was sent by the Father, in the name of Jesus, for your benefit and comfort.
2013-05-12 The Ascension of Our Lord
Acts 1:1-11: The ascension of Christ was necessary to usher in a new age of Christianity in which the Holy Spirit will testify to Christ's glory through you.
2013-05-05 Sixth Sunday after Easter
1 Timothy 2:1-6: God is pleased when His people [you] come to Him in prayer.
2013-04-28 Fifth Sunday after Easter
John 16:5-15: The Holy Spirit sheds light on unbelief, shows that Jesus Christ is God, and saves from damnation by bringing glory to Jesus.
2013-04-21 Fourth Sunday after Easter
Isaiah 40: 25-31: As you live your life, open your mind and your heart to the greatness of God, who strengthens you and keeps you all the days of your life.
2013-04-14 Third Sunday after Easter
John 10:11-16: Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, will support, safeguard, and summon you into His wondrous and Holy flock.
2013-04-07 Second Sunday after Easter
John 20:19-31 - Christ gives you faith and peace through His Holy Word
2013-03-31 The Resurrection of Our Lord
For You: A sermon series preached on the resurrection of Jesus Christ as read in the harmony of the four Gospel writers: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
2013-03-29 Good Friday
For You: A sermon series preached on the death of Jesus Christ as read in the harmony of the four Gospel writers: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
2013-03-28 Maundy Thursday
For You: A sermon series preached on the events in the upper room and arrest of Jesus as read in the harmony of the four Gospel writers: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
2013-03-24 Palm Sunday
For You: A sermon series preached on the Triumphant Entry as read in the harmony of the four Gospel writers: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
2013-03-20 Fifth Wednesday in Lent
Amos 7:1-10: Lion Alert! (Lenten Series)
2013-03-17 Fifth Sunday in Lent (Judica) (transcription)
Lighthouse Lutheran Church was blessed to hear the sermon preached by seminarian and pastor Rose Ekirunga from Trinity School of Ministry in Ambridge, PA on Genesis 22:1-14.
2013-03-13 Fourth Wednesday in Lent
Amos 7:1-6: Locusts here, Locusts there, Locusts seem to be everywhere (Lenten Series)
2013-03-10 Fourth Sunday in Lent (Laetare)
Isaiah 49:8-14: Shout for joy and rejoice, for the Messiah has come to set you free and lead you home
2013-03-06 Third Wednesday in Lent
2013-03-03 Third Sunday in Lent (Oculi)
Psalm 4: Pray for those who cause you physica or mental distress, so that the Lord might set them apart for His glory.
2013-02-27 Second Wednesday in Lent
Amos 5:18: This is the night the Lord has made (Lenten Series)
2013-02-24 Second Sunday in Lent (Reminiscere)
Matthew 15:21-28: Christ does not look at your ancestry or nationality, only at your faith in Him as Savior and Lord.
2013-02-20 First Wednesday in Lent
Amos 3:1-2: Upside down (Lenten Series)
2013-02-17 First Sunday in Lent (Invocabit)
1 Samuel 17: You must trust in the promises of God, who has sent His Christ to deliver you from your enemies
2013-02-13 Ash Wednesday
Amos 1:1-2: Rescued from the Rubble (Lenten Series)
2013-02-10 Quinquagesima
1 Corinthians 1:1-13: Only through your perfection in Christ will you truly know what love is.
2013-02-03 Sexagesima (transcription)
2 Corinthians 11:19-12:9: You must not listen to fools, but guard and listen only to those who preach Christ from the Word of God
2013-01-27 Septuagesima (transcription)
Matthew 20:1-16: Receive your generous payment from Christ with joy and do not be envious of fellow Christians
2013-01-20 Transfiguration of Our Lord (transcription)
Matthew 17:1-9: The transfiguration proved Jesus to be the Messiah so that your faith will be confirmed in Christ.
2013-01-13 Baptism of Our Lord (transcription)
Matthew 3:13-17: Your Baptism was more than mere water, it was God marking you His very own.
2013-01-06 Epiphany of Our Lord (transcription)
Matthew 2:1-12: In Christ, while knowledge is important, only true wisdom is beneficial