2011-12-24 Christmas Eve (midnight service) (transcription)
2011-12-18 Fourth Sunday in Advent
Sermon Series: The Messiah that the Old Testament people looked forward to is the same Christ that you look forward to. Based on the hymn O Come, O Come Emmanuel. (verse 7 and 1)
2011-12-11 Third Sunday in Advent
Sermon Series: The Messiah that the Old Testament people looked forward to is the same Christ that you look forward to. Based on the hymn O Come, O Come Emmanuel. (verse 5 and 6)
2011-12-04 Second Sunday in Advent
Sermon Series: The Messiah that the Old Testament people looked forward to is the same Christ that you look forward to. Based on the hymn O Come, O Come Emmanuel. (verse 3 and 4)
2011-11-20 Christ the King Sunday
Matthew 25:1-13: As followers of Christ, you must seek to know Him today for you will not get a second chance.
2011-11-13 Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost
Ephesians 6:10-17: Only by faith in Christ are we given the weapons needed to overcome evil.
2011-11-06 All Saints Sunday
Revelation 7:2-17: When you put your faith in Christ, you will be sealed as a servant of God and counted among the saints.
2011-10-30 Reformation Sunday
Psalm 46:1-11: When you put your faith in Christ your confession will be bold, your fears will be ceased, and your future will be confirmed.
2011-10-16 Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Luke 14:1-11: Christ desires hearts that seek to serve Him through compassion and humbleness.
2011-10-09 Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
1 Kings 17:17-24: Christ uses both trials and tribulations in our lives to bring His children into a fuller relationship with Him.
2011-09-11 Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
1 Kings 17:8-16: When you follow the Creator, you will follow a perfect timeline that blessed you and glorifies Christ.
2011-09-04 Twelvth Sunday after Pentecost
Genesis 4:1-15: When believers turn from God, the effects of sin may begin small, but quickly become your master.
2011-08-28 Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
Romans 9:30-10:4: We are to trust ONLY in Christ, and pray that others may know Him, too.
2011-08-07 Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Romans 6:15-23: In order to be truly free, you must completely submit to your master, Jesus Christ.
2011-07-31 Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Matthew 5:17-20: God gave His Law to His people out of His deep love for His people.
2011-07-10 Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Luke 15:1-10: Christ's parables demand that we, too, love the lost and seek out their return to Him.
2011-07-03 Third Sunday after Pentecost
Proverbs 9:1-18: Only when we fear and understand the LORD will we desire Wisdom's feast.
2011-06-26 Second Sunday after Pentecost
Luke 16:19-31: God has revealed Himself through His Word to the world so that all may come to everlasting life.
2011-06-19 Holy Trinity Sunday
Psalm 110:1-7: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit created you and saved you.
2011-06-05 Seventh Sunday of Easter
Psalm 110:1-7: Our Lord's ascension into heaven completes the Father's will in heaven and changes everything for you on earth.
2011-05-15 Fourth Sunday of Easter
John 16:16-22: For believers, Christ replaces the sorrow and grief faced in this world with a greater joy no one can take away.
2011-12-18 Fourth Sunday in Advent
Sermon Series: The Messiah that the Old Testament people looked forward to is the same Christ that you look forward to. Based on the hymn O Come, O Come Emmanuel. (verse 7 and 1)
2011-12-11 Third Sunday in Advent
Sermon Series: The Messiah that the Old Testament people looked forward to is the same Christ that you look forward to. Based on the hymn O Come, O Come Emmanuel. (verse 5 and 6)
2011-12-04 Second Sunday in Advent
Sermon Series: The Messiah that the Old Testament people looked forward to is the same Christ that you look forward to. Based on the hymn O Come, O Come Emmanuel. (verse 3 and 4)
2011-11-20 Christ the King Sunday
Matthew 25:1-13: As followers of Christ, you must seek to know Him today for you will not get a second chance.
2011-11-13 Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost
Ephesians 6:10-17: Only by faith in Christ are we given the weapons needed to overcome evil.
2011-11-06 All Saints Sunday
Revelation 7:2-17: When you put your faith in Christ, you will be sealed as a servant of God and counted among the saints.
2011-10-30 Reformation Sunday
Psalm 46:1-11: When you put your faith in Christ your confession will be bold, your fears will be ceased, and your future will be confirmed.
2011-10-16 Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Luke 14:1-11: Christ desires hearts that seek to serve Him through compassion and humbleness.
2011-10-09 Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
1 Kings 17:17-24: Christ uses both trials and tribulations in our lives to bring His children into a fuller relationship with Him.
2011-09-11 Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
1 Kings 17:8-16: When you follow the Creator, you will follow a perfect timeline that blessed you and glorifies Christ.
2011-09-04 Twelvth Sunday after Pentecost
Genesis 4:1-15: When believers turn from God, the effects of sin may begin small, but quickly become your master.
2011-08-28 Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
Romans 9:30-10:4: We are to trust ONLY in Christ, and pray that others may know Him, too.
2011-08-07 Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Romans 6:15-23: In order to be truly free, you must completely submit to your master, Jesus Christ.
2011-07-31 Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Matthew 5:17-20: God gave His Law to His people out of His deep love for His people.
2011-07-10 Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Luke 15:1-10: Christ's parables demand that we, too, love the lost and seek out their return to Him.
2011-07-03 Third Sunday after Pentecost
Proverbs 9:1-18: Only when we fear and understand the LORD will we desire Wisdom's feast.
2011-06-26 Second Sunday after Pentecost
Luke 16:19-31: God has revealed Himself through His Word to the world so that all may come to everlasting life.
2011-06-19 Holy Trinity Sunday
Psalm 110:1-7: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit created you and saved you.
2011-06-05 Seventh Sunday of Easter
Psalm 110:1-7: Our Lord's ascension into heaven completes the Father's will in heaven and changes everything for you on earth.
2011-05-15 Fourth Sunday of Easter
John 16:16-22: For believers, Christ replaces the sorrow and grief faced in this world with a greater joy no one can take away.